Prayer Letter from the Medieros’

Dear Friends,

We hope this letter finds you well. 

Thank you for praying for Sophie and Ana.  Their first month back at school has been positive but there is a lot of homework for Sophie and she has been attending physio sessions 3 times a week for her knee which can be tiring. Please continue to pray for her health and stamina.   

Ana is enjoying school and is delighted that she can do ballet, guitar and gymnastics.


Sophie did a presentation introducing “Conscience Club” (an enviromental project) to the staff and girls at Revive and consequently Revive have started  recycling and we will be doing our first litter pick on the beach in Olinda next Saturday morning.  Please be praying for our first litter pick to go well.


We believe it is time to build the Dance ministry (Sarah) and the Football ministry (Daniel) in AguazinhaThe football ministry is on Monday and Friday afternoons and Daniel will be involved with leading devotionals with the guys.  As you know, the dance studio needs some renovation.  While we were in England there was a lot of rain in Brazil and the roof was leaking badly.  When we returned we heard we need to replace the roof before installing the air conditioning.  We were so delighted to receive 2 offerings for the dance studio totally nearly a £1000 and we now need another £1000 to repair the roof!  On Monday, 5pm Brazil time (2pm UK time), we will be presenting to the trustees of Revive and are hoping that Revive will be able to pay for the leaky roof.  Please pray that meeting goes well on Monday and God will provide the money so we can start refurbishing the studio as soon as possible.

In the Community Development team, there is also a wonderful couple called Rosie and Stu who are also CMS mission partners.  They are hoping to start a food bank very soon in the same church building for the poorest families in the community.  Every Thursday afternoon we have been going together to Aguazinha to pray for these new ministries.  We feel that the church building we will be working in will be like a “well-being centre”.  There is currently Jujitsu, the food bank will start soon and, as soon as the studio is ready, the dance ministry.  And on a wider vision, Unity is still very much on our hearts and being friends and working with the other organisations doing prevention work in the area, such as Rio Social (River church) is really important. 

Daniel has started leading intercession before church services at River Church on a Sunday.  Through prayer we believe the fire of God is being ignited.  

Thank you for standing with us in prayer and please do pray for this important meeting with the trustees tomorrow 2 pm UK time!

Love and Blessings, Sarah, Daniel, Sophie and Ana xxxx


ABTS Newsletter | April 2022